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    Hypnotherapy is a process that allows us to work with our subconscious mind; which is where all of our emotions are stored, to discover our true feelings about situations in our lives. Feelings are always stronger than thoughts and when we have intense feelings about something, they may create stress and overwhelm us. The emotions overpower our common sense and cause us to do or say things we may not really want to as a defense. We may develop habits or behaviors that aren’t in alignment with who we are or what we want.  By reaching the real feelings inside of us and acknowledging, releasing and then integrating what we have learned from our experiences, we are able to find clarity which will assist us in moving forward from patterns we may have been trying to work around our entire life.

    This is LIFE CHANGING.

    How do I know? Because MY life has changed as a result of doing my own sessions! It was through this modality I discovered why I did the things I did all my life , often repeating the same things that were causing me problems without even realizing it.  I now know a sense of freedom that I never even thought possible. I can help you find this freedom too!

    Hypnotherapy done in the way I practice is not controlling, it is empowering. In a session, you will be fully aware, always AWAKE, always able to move around, to decide for yourself what you will and will not say. I will be working with you, not doing the work for you. I will help guide you through the process.

    You may have heard that hypnosis puts you in a trance, but the opposite is true. We are already in a trance of sorts, following the same actions and behaviors over and over because it’s what we know. It’s easier to stay stuck than it is to change, even though in the long run, staying stuck hurts us more. The truth is, change is the reward and is worth the effort and yes, even the pain. 

    The longer we continue living in the same way that isn’t working for us, the deeper our emotions get stuck. The temporary pain of moving through the hard things is small in comparison to continuing to struggle with our trapped emotions.

    Freedom is available to us all, and the key is in emotional processing. 

    Sign up for my email list to receive a FREE download with the “Keys for Change” from the end of each chapter of my book, Free from the Cage

      Emotion Code

      The Emotion Code is similar to Hypnotherapy in that it reaches the subconscious mind and helps to release stored negative feelings, but the difference is that it isn’t necessary to go through all of the details of the past events. You don’t have to have a specific event in mind to work from, we will just ask your subconscious if there is something you need to release and follow the responses your body gives while using a reference chart of emotions to clear the feeling that has come up.


      Is there something you have been wanting to achieve in your life, but have found yourself struggling to accomplish? Are you having difficulty making decisions or a plan to get to that goal? Do you find yourself sabotaging your own efforts by repeating the same methods without results or feeling paralyzed by fear to attempt or change something?

      If so, a coaching session may be right for you. We can work on things like confidence and a plan to help you get to where you want to go. We can discuss where you are currently, as well as where you have been with this goal, and map out strategies to get to where you ultimately want to be.

      Session pricing and how to schedule:

      Hypnotherapy Session

      • Hypnotherapy $175 for a two-hour session 
      • Hypnotherapy sessions also require a one-hour “pre-talk” session explaining the process and outlining your goals for the session $75

      Emotion Code Session

      • Emotion Code $100 for a one-hour session

      Coaching Session

      • Coaching $100 for a one-hour session

      Use the form below to request a session with Jennifer. Submission does not guarantee a session. You should receive a follow-up email explaining next steps shortly. All sessions are done via Zoom.

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